What Can I Do to Keep My Child Safe?
• ASK. Talking about suicide does not make a student suicidal. Asking if someone is thinking about
killing themself gives them permission to talk about it. Asking sends the message that you are
concerned and want to help. Invite the conversation! And if not you, find someone who can and who
the youth respects.
• LISTEN. Avoid making statements such as “I know what it’s like” or “I understand.” Instead make
statements such as “Help me understand what life is like for you right now.” Or “Tell me where it hurts
and how I can help.”
• TAKE SIGNS SERIOUSLY. Studies have found that more than 75% of people who die by suicide
showed some of the warning signs in the weeks or months prior to their death. Act if you see them.
• MONITOR. Watch your child’s social media. This can include anything from messages to being aware of Tik Tok challenges. Ask your child what certain phrases or messages mean (sometimes there are secondary meanings to common phrases). Be curious!
• GET HELP and ACT NOW! If you have concerns that your child is suicidal, seek immediate help
from a mental health practitioner. Suicidal youth need to be evaluated by an expert in assessing risk
and developing treatment plans. Call Crisis directly to make an appointment- tell the person on the phone that your child is suicidal and needs to be seen as soon as possible. Don’t allow delay.
• DO NOT LEAVE THEM ALONE. It is important that parents surround themselves with a
team of supportive friends or family members who can step in and help as needed.
suicidal people have lost all hope that life can improve. They may have difficulty problem solving
even simple issues. Remind your child that no matter how bad things are the problem can be worked
out. Offer hope and your help.
What Can You Do To Promote Positive Well-Being for You and Your Children?
- Get involved in activities that you can start and finish in one day
- Maintain a schedule or routines
- Get adequate sleep (for adolescents 9-11 hours each night is recommended).
- Eat healthy foods and get physical exercise every day.
- Talk openly with a friend or person you trust about your feelings.
- Spend time doing things you enjoy, even if it is hard.
- Support a friend - this is remarkably healing.
- Listen to music you think is positive.
- Stay connected with family and friends.
- Keep channels of communication open with your child especially about
any worries or feelings of sadness they may be experiencing.
Resources for Support:
Maine Crisis Hotline: 1-888-568-1112;
You will be connected to a trained crisis worker who can answer questions, act as a
resource support, and provide crisis response services 24/7.
NAMI Maine HelpLine: 1-800-464-5767 and press “1”; email: [email protected]
The HelpLine is a safe and confidential mental health service for peers, law enforcement
professionals, friends, and family members.
Crisis Text Line: Text “HOME” to 741741
The Crisis Text Line serves anyone, in any type of crisis, providing access to free,
24/7 support. After two automated responses you’ll be connected to a trained
volunteer to support you.
Maine Warm Line: 1-866-771-9276
This line offers 24/7 telephone support during challenging times and non-crisis
situations. Callers will receive support, social connection, assistance with referrals
to community resources, recovery programs, and an opportunity to connect with
others during a time of fear, grief or sadness.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 (TALK); Text: 838255
The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress,
prevention, and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for
Veterans Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255 press “1” for Veterans; Text: Text START to 678678
Confidential 24/7 support for all veterans, service members, members of the National
Guard and reserve, as well as families and friends supporting veterans.
Trevor Project Lifeline: 1-866-488-7386; Text: Text START to 678678
The Trevor Project provides counselor availability 24/7 to assist LGBTQ+ youth in times
of crisis or when they need a judgement- free place to talk.
911 - If there are concerns about a medical emergency, weapons involved, or flight risk,
call the police emergency line immediately.
Seek help at your closest Emergency Department for evaluation and support if immediate concerns arise. Maine Behavioral Health is present in our local ER at Midcoast Hospital for evaluations.
Tips for Keeping Your Child Safe
How to Support Grieving Youth - Tips for Caregivers
How to Talk to Your Youth About Suicide or Traumatic Loss
Maine Suicide Prevention Program Postvention Survivor Booklet