Diabetes Care

Type 1 Diabetes is an autoimmune disease, a metabolic disorder that occurs during childhood. The body does not make or properly use insulin. Daily insulin is necessary for survival.  Food intake, activity levels and insulin control diabetes. The buildup of glucose in the blood (hyperglycemia) is the hallmark of diabetes. To determine the amount of glucose present in the blood, the individual is required to test multiple times during the day . This requires a meter,  test strips, lancets and a sharps disposal container.  Snacks need to be available for low blood sugars such as juice boxes, glucose tabs or gel. Glucagon needs to be readily available.

      Diabetes management allows people with diabetes to be more liberal with food planning than in the past. Individuals who have good control are less likely to experience complications from diabetes.

Signs and Symptoms

Hypoglycemia ( low blood sugar) is most likely to occur:

1. When meals or snacks are missed or delayed.
2. When participating in a strenuous activity.
3. During a lengthy field trip or field day activity.

Low Blood Sugar Warning Signs
and Symptoms

  • Sudden hunger
  • Shakiness
  • Fatigue
  • Irritable
  • Inappropriate action
  • Headache
  • Sweating Nervousness
  • Paleness
  • Unusual drowsiness
  • Crying
  • Confusion
  • Concentration

High Blood Sugar

(Symptoms noticed within hours to several days.)

High Blood Sugar Warning Signs and Symptoms

  • Increased thirst and urination
  • Large amounts of sugar in the blood
  • Ketones in the urine
  • Weakness, pains in stomach, aching all over
  • Heavy, labored breathing
  • Loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting
  • Fatigue


  • Not enough insulin
  • Too much food
  • Infection, fever, illness
  • Emotional stress


Response and Treatment for Low Blood Sugar * Each student has their own Diabetes plan to be followed in the event of a low blood sugar. If you do not have their plan do the following ;
Test the blood glucose. If less than 80, give one of the following item. If you do not know how to test or there is no meter to test with... TREAT anyway.

The best rule is “When in doubt TREAT! ”
1.Give one of the following:

  • Juice 1⁄2 cup (4-6 oz)
  • Regular Soda 1⁄2 can (not diet)
  • Glucose tabs, Chew 2-3 followed by water

2.Stay with child
3. Repeat the blood glucose in 15 minutes and retreat as above if blood glucose is less than 80.
4. If found unresponsive call 911
5. Give Glucagon as ordered by health care professional.     
Click here for a copy of this information

Response and Treatment for High Blood Sugar

  • Call doctor immediately
  • Take fluids without sugar if able to swallow
  • Test blood sugar frequently
  • Test urine for ketones
American Diabetes Association
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