File JICK-R: Bullying Procedures


This procedure is intended as guidance for the school principal or superintendent’s designee to address an alleged bullying incident.  Steps for reporting, responding to, and remediating allegations of bullying, are provided.

I. Reporting
Refer to the JICK E1 Reporting Form:
The Digital Version of the JICK E1 Reporting Form, or
The Paper Version of the JICK E1 Reporting Form (if you wish to report anonymously, please submit this paper form to your school or administrative office)

Bullying or suspected bullying is reportable in person or in writing (including anonymously) to school personnel. 

A. School staff, coaches and advisors for extracurricular and cocurricular activities are required to report alleged incidents of bullying to the school principal or other school personnel designated by the superintendent.  Any other adult working or volunteering in a school will be strongly encouraged to promptly report observed or suspected alleged incidents of bullying to the building principal or school personnel designated by the superintendent.

B. Students who are believed to have been bullied or are aware of incidents of bullying are strongly encouraged to promptly report this behavior to a parent, staff member or school administrator.   

C. Parents and other adults who believe that an incident of bullying has occurred are strongly encouraged to promptly report this behavior to a staff member or school administrator.  

D. Acts of reprisal or retaliation against any person who reports an alleged incident of bullying are prohibited.  Any student who is determined to have knowingly falsely accused another of bullying shall be subject to disciplinary consequences.

II. Responding
Refer to the Responding Form – JICK-E2
After receipt of a report of alleged bullying, the school principal or a superintendent’s designee will: 

Inform parent(s)/guardian(s) of involved students that an initial investigation into a peer conflict will occur, as well as the measures being taken to ensure the immediate and long-term safety of the student(s) involved;

Based on the initial investigation, and within 20 school days,  investigate and respond to potential bullying behavior; 

Keep written documentation of all allegations of bullying behavior and outcomes of the investigations, and report alleged and substantiated incidents to the superintendent; 

Inform parent(s) or guardian(s) of the students involved the findings of the investigation and actions to be taken which are applicable to their child; 

Communicate with local or state law enforcement agency if it’s believed that the pursuit of criminal charges or a civil action under the Maine Civil Rights Act may be appropriate.

III. Remediation
Refer to the Remediation Form – JICK-E3

The school principal or a superintendent’s designee will:

A. Identify the specific nature(s) of the incident.

B. Apply disciplinary actions, which may include but are not limited to, imposing a series of graduated consequences that include alternative discipline. In determining the appropriate response to students who engage in bullying behavior, school administrators should consider the type of behaviors, the frequency and/or pattern of behaviors, and other relevant circumstances. Responses may include, but are not limited to: 
Meeting with the student and the student's parents/guardian; 
Reflective activities, such as requiring the student to write an essay about the student's misbehavior; 
Mediation, but only when there is mutual conflict between peers, rather than one-way negative behavior, and both parties voluntarily choose this option; 
Counseling (anger management, mental health, health, etc.)
Participation in skills building and resolution activities, such as social-emotional cognitive skills building, resolution circles and restorative conferencing;
Youth court or other restorative community programming; 
Community service; 
Safety assessment; and
In-school detention or suspension, which may take place during lunchtime, after school.  

C. Remediate any substantiated incident of bullying to counter the negative impact of the bullying and reduce the risk of future bullying incidents, which may include referring the victim, perpetrator or other involved persons to counseling or other appropriate services.

IV. Appeal

Notification shall be provided to parent(s), guardian(s) and students of the right to appeal a decision of a school principal or a superintendent's designee related to taking or not taking remedial action in accordance with this policy. The appeals procedure must be consistent with other appeals procedures established by the school board and may include an appeal to the superintendent.

Board Reviewed: May 10, 2018

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