File DN: School Properties Disposal Procedure

Disposal of Real Property (Land and Buildings)
The Board of Directors is responsible for establishing procedures on a case-by-case basis for selling off land and/or buildings owned by the School District, or otherwise disposing of or altering real property.

Disposal of Books, Equipment and Vehicles
The Superintendent is authorized to determine, through procedures he/she develops, when books, equipment and vehicles are obsolete or no longer of use to the school unit, and to declare it surplus.

The Board must approve of the disposal of books, and of equipment and vehicles with an individual replacement cost of greater than one thousand dollars ($1,000), or collective replacement costs of greater than five thousand dollars ($5,000) which have been Procedures for disposal of these items shall be in accordance with the following:

  1. Town Managers and Clerks of member municipalities are to be informed in writing of property declared surplus and are to have first option to purchase. The charges for municipal purchases shall be determined by the Superintendent.
  2. Surplus property to be offered for sale shall be disposed of by sealed bid, public auction or public sale. Public notice of any sale of surplus property shall be given at least one week in advance of an auction, sale or opening of sealed bids.
  3. Any surplus property which is offered for public sale and is not sold may be disposed of in a manner the Superintendent deems appropriate.
  4. Any property determined to be inappropriate for sale shall be disposed of in a manner the Superintendent deems appropriate.
  5. Any School District identification shall be removed before the property is delivered to a new owner or disposed of.
All revenues which result from the sale of surplus property shall be credited as miscellaneous income except in any instance where Law requires that it be credited to a specific account.

 FIRST READING:  January 23, 1992
 SECOND READING:  February 13, 1992
 ADOPTION:  February 13, 1992
 FIRST READING OF REVISIONS:  September 26, 2019
 ADOPTION OF REVISIONS:  October 10, 2019
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