File IL-R: Procedures for Evaluation of Instructional Programs

In order to improve student achievement, maintain educational excellence, and to incorporate current research in the areas of instruction, learning, and assessment, the following procedure will be used to evaluate current programming.
Roles and Responsibilities
After a completed evaluation and report by the Superintendent/Assistant Superintendent, and depending upon the circumstances, the Board may adopt continuance of an existing program, request that new instructional methods/materials be selected in accordance with Board Policy IJJ, or a combination of these two.
The Board’s Curriculum Committee shall review and provide input to the Superintendent’s/Assistant Superintendent’s recommendations and reports based on the completion of an instructional program evaluation prior to presentation to the full Board.  
The Assistant Superintendent is responsible for the oversight of the instructional program evaluation process including establishing evaluation teams, reviewing and approving proposals from the teams, reporting to the Board’s Curriculum Committee and full Board, and developing a communications plan to support the instructional program evaluation process.
Program Evaluation Teams
In order to have a variety of stakeholders included in the evaluation, teams shall be formed as follows:
Minimum of two educators each from grade span (K-5, 6-8, and 9-12)
Minimum of one administrator each from grade span (K-5, 6-8, and 9-12)
Minimum of one representative each from special education, adult education, and English Learners support, when appropriate
Minimum of one district administrator
Students, parents, Board members, and community members with content area expertise, when appropriate, and at the discretion of the Assistant Superintendent
Evaluation teams shall perform a program evaluation that may include the following tasks: 
  • Gather information related to the history of the program within the context of the district (This might include staffing, the use of instructional materials and methods, professional development, past committee work, Board actions, etc.)
  • Determine alignment with the Board-approved curriculum 
  • Perform an analysis of any and all student achievement data, demographic data, participation data, etc., that may be relevant to the program
  • Perform an analysis of feedback from administrators, teachers, and other staff, as appropriate, concerning the effectiveness of the program and associated instructional methods/materials, the effectiveness of professional development and any suggested changes
  • Address how the program is aligned sequentially from Kindergarten to diploma
  • Address how assessments are being utilized in the program; address how the program prepares students for state testing (if applicable)
  • Identify the availability of new or updated materials, methodologies, educational materials and/or technology for the subject area (The procedures for selection, however, are found in Board Policy IJJ.)
In addition, depending on the circumstances, the evaluation may include the following tasks:
  • Perform an analysis of the results of parent and students surveys (if appropriate) concerning perceived strengths and weaknesses of the program
  • Perform an analysis of the results of surveys of post-graduates concerning perceived strengths and weaknesses in the curriculum
  • Address how the program connects, or could connect, with other programs
  • Address partnerships between the district and outside agencies in support of the program
  • Connect with specialists and services with regional, state, federal, and/or professional organization affiliations for advice on best practice, accreditation expectations, opportunities for collaboration, etc.
At the discretion of the Board and/or the Superintendent, a program evaluation may be performed by an external organization.
Once an evaluation team has completed its work, it shall prepare a report, which includes findings and recommendations, and present it to the Superintendent.    The Superintendent may request further information from the team and/or conduct his/her own research if deemed necessary. The Superintendent/Assistant Superintendent shall then present the report to the Board’s Curriculum Committee.
Once the Board’s Curriculum Committee has reviewed the report and provided input, the Committee shall request that the Superintendent/Assistant Superintendent make a presentation to the full Board.
Evaluation Cycles
A proposed four-year evaluation cycle will be developed and revised annually by the Assistant Superintendent. Placement of program on the cycle may depend on:
  • The adoption of curriculum by the Board
  • An analysis of achievement data
  • Length of time since a previous review
  • Budget-based priorities
The cycle will be updated annually and made publicly available.  
Sample Cycle:
  Year 1 (beginning) Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 (end) Y5 (beginning)
Program 1 Mathematics Science Visual and Performing Arts English Language Arts Mathematics
Program 2 World Language English Language Development Social Studies   World Language
Program 3 Library/ Technology Gifted and Talented Health and PE   Library/ Technology
BOARD REVIEW: March 14, 2013

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