File JHB: Truancy


In order to support students in attaining their highest levels of success, the Board recognizes the importance of attendance at school. The Superintendent is expected to develop procedures that describe how schools will identify, monitor and make plans to resolve cases of truancy.
Truancy Defined
 A student is truant if he/she is required to attend school or alternative instruction under Maine compulsory attendance law (20-A MRSA § 5001-A) and he/she:
A. Has completed grade 6 and has the equivalent of 10 full days of unexcused absences or 7 consecutive school days of unexcused absences during a school year; or
B. Is at least 7 years of age and has not completed grade 6 and has the equivalent of 7 full days of unexcused absences or 5 consecutive school days of unexcused absences during a school year. 
Attendance Coordinators
 In accordance with Maine law, the Superintendent shall appoint one or more attendance coordinators.  The duties of the attendance coordinator include, but are not limited to:
A. Interviewing a student whose attendance is irregular and meeting with the student and the parents to determine the cause of the irregular attendance and filing a written report with the principal;
B. Filing an annual report with the Superintendent summarizing school year activities, findings and recommendations regarding truants;
C. Serving as a member of the Dropout Prevention Committee; and
D. Serving as the liaison between the school and the local law enforcement agency in matters pertaining to student absenteeism under Maine law.
Annual Report to Commissioner
 The Superintendent shall submit an annual report regarding truancy to the Commissioner by the required date.  The report must identify the number of truants in the school administrative unit in the preceding school year; describe the school unit’s efforts to deal with truancy; account for actions brought to enforce the truancy law; and include any other information on truancy requested by the Commissioner.
Cross Reference:       JEA – Compulsory Attendance
                                    JFC – Dropout Prevention—Student Withdrawal from School
                                    JLF – Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect
FIRST READING:        October 10, 2013
SECOND READING:   November 14, 2013
ADOPTION:                 November 14, 2013

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