The purpose of this administrative procedure is to effectuate the mandates imposed by the various federal and state laws in addition to M.S.A.D. No. 75’s “Tobacco-Free Schools Policy”. The intent is to promote an environment that supports the health and well-being of students and staff; therefore, enforcement of this policy is meant to emphasize support for good health rather than punishment.
The following guidelines shall be utilized by the building administrator of a school in which prohibited conduct occurs.
A. Student Incident ELEMENTARY School Level
At the elementary level, if a student is found using or in possession of tobacco products, the administrator will confiscate the material and investigate the situation. The parent/legal guardian will be contacted. Any referrals and supportive education will be tailored to the developmental level of the child.
B. Student Incident MIDDLE and HIGH School Levels
Investigate to determine if student has used or is in possession of tobacco based products or paraphernalia which are prohibited as per the Tobacco-Free Schools policy. The investigation may include a search and confiscation of prohibited items (see policy JFG).
Parent/legal guardians will be contacted regarding tobacco violation.
At the Middle School Level, will issue a suspension or other consequences at the discretion of the administrator. At the High School Level consequences will be as outlined in the school handbook.
May use restorative justice practices if appropriate. Voluntary agreement may reduce consequences.
May include a tobacco use prevention education component. Voluntary agreement to participate may reduce consequences.
May refer to the Superintendent.
The building administrator reserves the right to refer students to a law enforcement agency, on a case-by-case basis, as they may deem necessary. The building administrator may refer to a law enforcement agency any student reasonably suspected of selling, dispensing or distributing tobacco products.
C. All District Employees
All employees are included in the provisions of the state law, which prohibits tobacco use on school property at all times. Employees violating this policy will be subject to disciplinary actions.