File IGE: Adult Education Programs


Through its various programs and courses for adults, the Board of Directors shall seek to meet the needs of adults of all ages who, for whatever reason, have unable to secure a high school diploma in a regular school program, or who need additional training to become more efficient in their chosen occupations.

Adult programs in Maine School Administrative District No. 75 include:

(1) An accredited high school completion program, conducted at various locations, which provides an opportunity for adults to earn a high school diploma.  All required high school credit courses are taught, with a concentration in English and U.S. History.

Admissions requirements:

To be eligible, the student must:
(a) Be 17 years of age or older, and not be a high school graduate nor be in attendance at any other public school;
(b) Receive a preliminary evaluation of credits by the Director of Adult Education and guidance personnel, based on guidelines established by the Superintendent.
(2) Adult Basic Education classes, for adults who have not completed the eighth grade.  The program provides instruction in the fundamentals of arithmetic, spelling, grammar, and reading.  Any person 17 years or older may enroll.
(3) Vocational courses taught in cooperation with Maine Vocational Region Ten in a variety of occupational areas.
(4) A variety of adult non-credit courses.
All Adult Education programs shall be subject to approval by the Board.  The Director of Adult Education shall be responsible for the operation of the school system’s adult education programs and shall report to the Superintendent.
Tuition and fees collected in the operation of the adult programs shall be accounted for in the normal records and reports of the District.
ADOPTION:             September 26, 1985
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